PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Dettol Spray 450 ml Antiseptic

Dettol Spray 450 ml Antiseptic

Berat: 1.0 kg SKU: 1000SD No Registrasi: PKL 20502120168


Harga Dettol Spray 450 ml Antiseptic :

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Deskripsi Dettol Spray 450 ml Antiseptic

Dettol Disinfectant Spray is proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria & viruses on surfaces
Dettol Disinfectant Spray can help protect your family from germs by helping prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. Dettols unique formula is proven to kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses on surfaces that you come into contact with every day.
Kills 99.9% of bacteria & viruses.
Shake can well. Hold can 15-20cm from pre-cleaned surface and spray surface until covered with mist.

Diskusi Dettol Spray 450 ml Antiseptic

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