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harga Flexicare Masker Laryngeal Laryseal Clear Nomor 1

Flexicare Masker Laryngeal Laryseal Clear Nomor 1

Berat: 0.2 kg Brand: Coviden SKU: 1NYRAL-KSAM-XLF No Registrasi: AKL 20403220572

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

laryngeal mask airway — also known as laryngeal mask— is a medical device that keeps a patient's airway open during anaesthesia or unconsciousness. It is a type of supraglottic airway.A laryngeal mask is composed of an airway tube that connects to an elliptical mask with a cuff which is inserted through the patient's mouth, down the windpipe, and once deployed forms an airtight seal on top the glottis (unlike tracheal tubes which pass through the glottis) allowing a secure airway to be managed by a health care provider.

They are most commonly used by anaesthetists to channel oxygen or anaesthesia gas to a patient's lungs during surgery and in the pre-hospital setting (for instance by paramedics and emergency medical technicians) for unconscious patients.The laryngeal mask was invented by British anaesthesiologist/anaesthetist Archibald Brain in the early 1980s and in December 1987 the first commercial laryngeal mask was made available in the United Kingdom. The laryngeal mask is still widely used today worldwide and a variety of specialised laryngeal masks exist.

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Deskripsi Flexicare Masker Laryngeal Laryseal Clear Nomor 1

Features :

- Crash resistant tube; integrates handiness and softness

 - Seamless surface of the cuff assures smooth insertion

 - Highly soft cuff prevents potential trauma caused by excessive pressure

 - Elastic material ensure the best possible seal with least internal pressure

laryngeal mask airway — also known as laryngeal mask— is a medical device that keeps a patient's airway open during anaesthesia or unconsciousness. It is a type of supraglottic airway.A laryngeal mask is composed of an airway tube that connects to an elliptical mask with a cuff which is inserted through the patient's mouth, down the windpipe, and once deployed forms an airtight seal on top the glottis (unlike tracheal tubes which pass through the glottis) allowing a secure airway to be managed by a health care provider.

They are most commonly used by anaesthetists to channel oxygen or anaesthesia gas to a patient's lungs during surgery and in the pre-hospital setting (for instance by paramedics and emergency medical technicians) for unconscious patients.The laryngeal mask was invented by British anaesthesiologist/anaesthetist Archibald Brain in the early 1980s and in December 1987 the first commercial laryngeal mask was made available in the United Kingdom. The laryngeal mask is still widely used today worldwide and a variety of specialised laryngeal masks exist.


Diskusi Flexicare Masker Laryngeal Laryseal Clear Nomor 1

FFarida Mardyana  

LMA size no 2ready stock kah

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