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harga Box Vaksin dan Obat TCW 3000 SDD - Generator 1

Box Vaksin dan Obat TCW 3000 SDD - Generator 1

Berat: 300.0 kg Brand: Dometic SKU: 74000MOD No Registrasi: AKL 20209616003

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

The new TCW 3000 SDD (Solar Direct Drive) consists of a TCW 3000DC, but includes some major electronic modifications as well as changes in the ice lining.

Harga Box Vaksin dan Obat TCW 3000 SDD - Generator 1 :

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Deskripsi Box Vaksin dan Obat TCW 3000 SDD - Generator 1

The special boxes, made from rotationally moulded polyethylene (a virtually indestructible material), feature an extremely sturdy casing that is corrosion resistant and almost impervious to external forces caused by bumps and falls etc.In the most difficult situations and remote areas in the world, our customers can count on us to ensure the success of their vaccination campaigns. Our new data logger ensures the cold chain is respected and every vaccine is both safe and usable, improving patient outcomes and reducing waste. And our new health center kit uses sunlight to provide power for light, ventilation and mobile phone charging – offering vital help and extra comfort to patients and healthcare staff alike.”Alat Pembawa Vaksin (box vaksin dometic) ini merupakan alat yang umum digunakan untuk menyimpan sementara vaksin yang akan dikirim ke konsumen dalam kondisi jarak terlampau jauh. 

Additional Information

Vaccine storage capacity (l)


Autonomy time (+2°C to +8°C)

86 h 56 min.

Minimum solar radiation for continious running

250 W/m²/PQS ref. 3. 5 KWh / 24 h / m²

Cool down time

36 h



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