PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga ECG 6 Channel EDAN SE601B

ECG 6 Channel EDAN SE601B

Berat: 6.0 kg SKU: 60000NDE No Registrasi: AKL 20502220108

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Edan SE-601B ECG is a portable, lightweight design convenient for mobile use and offices with limited space. Unit has a large 5.7 inch TFT LCD backlight screen. It has easy data input and operation making it easy for anyone to use.The keyboard is alphanumeric with one-touch operation. It has a bulit-in rechargeable Li-ion battery and AC/DC power supply.

EDAN SE-601B ECG has pacemaker detection that meets the requirements of ANSI/AAMI EC11 and also automatic measurement and interpretation for adults and pediatrics. The periodic recording has two-step exercise test with periodic recording and also features heart rate variability analysis (HRV) EDAN SE-601B has internal thermal printer and external printer. Supports external archiving: SD card and card reader, flash disk. Data transmission to PC via Ethernet or RS232 port. Features 100 ECGs in internal memory.

Harga ECG 6 Channel EDAN SE601B :

Rp22.400.000 20% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi ECG 6 Channel EDAN SE601B


• Lead: Standard 12 leads
• Recording Modes: Auto/Manual/Rhythm
• Rhythm Lead: Single channel or three channels selectable
• Battery: Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery, [email protected] for 6 hours general use or 280 copies ECGs continuous printing.
• Recorder: Thermal printer
• Number of Channels: 3,4,6
• Display: 5.7 inch TFT color LCD 640*480 dots

Diskusi ECG 6 Channel EDAN SE601B

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