PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Examination Lamp Luxamed LED

Examination Lamp Luxamed LED

Berat: 7.0 kg Brand: Luxamed SKU: 33100AMS No Registrasi: AKL 10903513739

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

90,000 lux at 30cm.

Harga Examination Lamp Luxamed LED :

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Deskripsi Examination Lamp Luxamed LED

These diagnostic magnifying lamps are suitable for procedures involving close up examination or minor surgery. This lamp is now available with new LED technology providing a high contrast light making it much easier to work and see detail clearly. LED bulbs use very little energy, never need replacing, emit very low levels of heat and therefore ensure greater comfort for both patient and operator. This widely used 20 watt examination lamp ensures a bright white light suitable for most general examining situations.
Low heat output to ensure patient comfort.
Supplied with 2 magnifying lenses 1.75x (3 diopter) and 2.2x (5 diopter) to cater for a wide range of procedures.
High quality metal arm system offers optimal flexibility and durability.
Large 13cm/5” lens diameter.
Features the Easy Change Lens System™ for quick swapping of lenses without tools.
    Flexible gooseneck and slimline head ensure easy positioning of light and unobstructed view for the examiner.
    Long life bulb has built-in thermal filter to prevent excessive build up of heat and patient discomfort.
    Optional wall rail for use with universal clamp.
    90,000 lux at 30cm.
    Colour temperature 3600K

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