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harga Inkubator Bayi Tesena Manual Controlled Digital TSN 876 MCD

Inkubator Bayi Tesena Manual Controlled Digital TSN 876 MCD

Berat: 70.0 kg SKU: 40000NST No Registrasi: AKD 20902600128

Dijamin original dan bergaransi



Dimension and weight : 
- Appr. 99 W x 59 D x 137 H cm, ± 60 Kg (cabinet type) 
- Appr. 99 W x 59 D x 137 H cm, ± 50 Kg (trolley type) 
Guard and handle type Steel 
Castors 4 inches, two lockable 
IV pole Adjustable with fixation clamp

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Deskripsi Inkubator Bayi Tesena Manual Controlled Digital TSN 876 MCD



Dimension and weight : 
- Appr. 99 W x 59 D x 137 H cm, ± 60 Kg (cabinet type) 
- Appr. 99 W x 59 D x 137 H cm, ± 50 Kg (trolley type) 
Guard and handle type Steel 
Castors 4 inches, two lockable 
IV pole Adjustable with fixation clamp


Dimension Appr. 86 W x 41 D x 45 H cm 
Mattress size Appr. 65 cm x 35 cm 
Mattress to hood Appr. 36 cm 
Mattress elevation 0 to12° (trendelenburg and reverse by crank) 
Mattress tray ABS 
Access type 4 port doors with cuff & ABS latches, 2 iris port, 4 tubing grommets, 1 access panel


Control panel Hidden keys type, auto self-test system, LED seven-segment 
Control mode Manual (Air mode only)
Controller type Microcontroller 
Control panel lock Automatic key lock after 10 seconds unchanged 
Temperature display range 17.1 °C – 42.4 °C 
Air mode control range 25.0 °C – 37.0 °C, resolution 0.1 °C 
Air mode maximum override 39.0 °C 
Warm up time ≤ 30 minutes 
Humidity range 15 – 90 % RH 
Water reservoir capacity 1500 ml 
Noise level in hood ≤ 60 dB 
Oxygen supply Oxygen inlet with micro filter 
Air flow velocity ≤ 10 cm/s 
Alarm indicator visible (dot matrix LCD) and audible (buzzer) 
Alarm silencer 2 minutes for Low Internal Battery or Mains Failure, 10 minutes for others 
Information on LCD Heater level, alarms, serial numbers, internal battery level and User ID (by customer request)

    • ALARM :

• System failure
• Airflow failure 
• Low internal battery
• High temperature (38.0° C or 40.0° C) 
• Sensor failure
• Air over temperature (37.5° C or 39.5° C) 
• Mains failure
• Warm-up failure (> 30 minutes) 
• Blower failure 
• Air deviation ±3°C 

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