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harga Lampu Operasi Ceiling LED Simeon

Lampu Operasi Ceiling LED Simeon

Berat: 60.0 kg Brand: Simeon SKU: 51000MME No Registrasi: AKL 21603220395

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Demanding activities require more than just conventional solutions. With innovative Sim.LED operating theatre lamps, you can enjoy all of the benefits of the latest LED technology in a uniquely effective package. One of the technological leaders in the area of LED lighting for operating theatres, SIMEON is also the world's most versatile supplier. At SIMEON, in-depth manufacturing competence – few companies worldwide currently produce such quantities of LED lighting – is combined with innovative product developments. With the Sim.LED Multicolour, SIMEON has now pioneered the first theatre lights with consistently high colour rendering at any colour temperature. While other manufacturers are still at the drawing board, SIMEON is already supplying pioneering light and system solutions. Come and see for yourself.


Harga Lampu Operasi Ceiling LED Simeon :

Rp51.450.000 20% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi Lampu Operasi Ceiling LED Simeon


  • Sim.POD: three next-generation light intensive SC or MC LEDs with high light yield, placed centrally in a polished aluminium reflector
  • The large light-emitting surface, resulting from a well thoughtout arrangement of the SIMEON reflector light modules as well as from perfect bundling and overlapping of light rays, generates a perfectly homogeneous, shadow-free illumination. With SIMEON’s Reflector Shadow Resolution System (RSRS) you receive an excellent illumination always and in every situation – without any sensor systems or automatic adjustment of the light values
  • Optimum illumination: homogenous light field and 360° illumination with just 72 or 108 LEDs, thus requiring only 50 W power consumption
  • Excellent laminar flow properties: the ultra-cool light source minimizes turbulence on the top and bottom of the light body
  • Highest energy efficiency and optimum heat management: perfect light yield from just a few LEDs and aluminium reflector; aluminium LED rack ensures optimum heat dissipation – immediate dissipation of low-grade heat generation from aluminium lamp bodies keeps total heat generation at an extremely low level
  • Constantly high Ra > 96 at every colour temperature setting with sun.LED technology
  • Easy control of all options via gimbal-mounted operation with personal my.LED feature

Diskusi Lampu Operasi Ceiling LED Simeon

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Lampu LED Simeon adalah buatan Jerman. Stok dan harga bersifat fluktuatif tergantung waktu. Untuk update stok dan harga silakan langsung menghubungi CS kami di 0812 9820 0042.

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