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harga Stetoskop Luxascope Sonus Adult Navy Blue

Stetoskop Luxascope Sonus Adult Navy Blue

Berat: 2.0 kg Brand: Luxamed SKU: 52100AMS No Registrasi: AKL 10501514664

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Flat-head chestpiece made of aluminium

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Deskripsi Stetoskop Luxascope Sonus Adult Navy Blue

The flat-head stethoscope Sonus Flat Flex with Disposable-Diaphragm-System guarantees an optimal sound and the risk of germ transmission can almost be excluded. Due to the quick exchange of the diaphragm, the stethoscope is ready for use
within few seconds. The use of polluting disposable stethoscopes or the required time-consuming disinfection process of the diaphragm is no longer necessary. Whether in ambulance, emergency bag or simply for blood pressure measurement – the Sonus Flat Flex is setting new standards by efficiency and safety!

    Flat-head chestpiece made of aluminium, black, for Disposable-Diaphragm-System
    Binaurals made of aluminium, thus low deadweight with nevertheless excellent acoustics.
    no use of phthalates (DEHP free)

    stainless steel chest piece ensures excellent acoustic quality
    high performance glass fibre diaphragm with a non chill ring
    ergonomically shaped stainless steel head piece with reinforced spring for extended shelf life and optimal wearer comfort
    screwable soft ear tips adjust to the shape of the ear effectiveley
    Y-tube with 3-way sound transmission connector guarantees a good resonance through optimal sound conduction
    no use of phthalates (DEHP free)
    spare parts set (each one pair of soft and hard ear tips, diaphragm and diaphragm ring) and name plate

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