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harga Riester Duplex Stetoskop

Riester Duplex Stetoskop

Berat: 0.35 kg SKU: XLPD-POKTS-TSEIR No Registrasi: AKL 10501512856

Stetoskop Riester Duplex merupakan stetoskop dengan performa akustik yang berkualitas tinggi. Disertai dengan desain yang elegan dan inovatif stetoskop ini dapat memberikan pemeriksaan yang akurat bagi pasien.

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Harga Riester Duplex Stetoskop :

Rp436.780 9% off

Deskripsi Riester Duplex Stetoskop

Stetoskop Riester Duplex merupakan stetoskop dengan performa akustik yang berkualitas tinggi. Disertai dengan desain yang elegan dan inovatif stetoskop ini dapat memberikan pemeriksaan yang akurat bagi pasien.

Fitur Unggulan :

- Double head chest piece dengan bahan alumunium ringan

- Membran berkualitas tinggi dan halus untuk proses auskultasi

- Bell 36 mm



Ukuran : Dewasa

Kelengkapan : 1 buah Stethoscope + 1 buah Membran Cadangan + 1 pasang Ear Tip Cadangan + Dus + Buku

Diameter membran 48 mm

Panjang keseluruhan 77 cm


Made in Germany

duplex®2.0 Stethoscopes from Riester are distinguished by outstanding acoustic performance. They have been completely new constructed to meet the challenges of daily diagnostic practice. The tube stethoscopes are available the special designs duplex®2.0, duplex® 2.0 baby and duplex® 2.0 neonatal for auscultation of adults, children/babies and new-borns.

  • Precision double chest-piece with innovative membrane support.
  • Anatomically shaped binaural with internal multiple spring for adjusting the contact pressure.
  • Extra-soft, replaceable and pivotable ear-tips for perfect sealing at the ear canal and enhanced wear comfort.

The new duplex®2.0 with numerous innovative detail solutions, offers acoustics in a class of its own for perfect auscultation of adults and children. The duplex®2.0 is available with stainless steel chest-piece as well as in an ultra-light weight aluminium version.

  • Innovative acoustic system with extraordinary auscultation for all frequency ranges.
  • Precision double chest-piece made of stainless steel or aluminium.
  • Special membrane for precise acoustics, Ø 44 mm (1.73 in), with novel non-chill rims for improved adaptation on the skin.
  • Total length: 74 cm (29.13 in)
  • Weight: 151 g (0.33 lb) (stainless steel), 97 g (0.21 lb) (aluminium)
  • Latex-free.

The duplex®2.0 is supplied with one pair of replacement ear-tips, a replacement membrane and a name plate.

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