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harga AND UA 767 Tensimeter Digital 30 Memory Alat Ukur Tekanan Darah

AND UA 767 Tensimeter Digital 30 Memory Alat Ukur Tekanan Darah

Berat: 0.9 kg Brand: AND SKU: 65100CPC No Registrasi: AKL 20501713089

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

 New version of the 767-Plus - now with 30 memories, average readings and illuminated start button. This model was awarded 9/10 by the Daily Mail in their review of blood pressure monitors on 8th September 2009. In their opinion, the 767-Plus-30 gave the most accurate readings and was the best monitor reviewed. Further details on the review can be provided.

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Deskripsi AND UA 767 Tensimeter Digital 30 Memory Alat Ukur Tekanan Darah

 New version of the 767-Plus - now with 30 memories, average readings and illuminated start button. This model was awarded 9/10 by the Daily Mail in their review of blood pressure monitors on 8th September 2009. In their opinion, the 767-Plus-30 gave the most accurate readings and was the best monitor reviewed. Further details on the review can be provided.

Product Description:

  • Simultaneous readout of systolic/diastolic pressure and pulse rate
  • This monitor provides blood pressure and pulse rate measurements even when an irregular heartbeat occurs
  • Four week blood pressure logbook
  • 30 reading memory and averaging


  • Irregular heart beat (IHB) indicator
  • Blood pressure classification indicator
  • Large 30 memory and average reading function
  • Illuminated start button
  • Extra-large 3-line display for an easier read
  • One-touch measurement
  • Clinically validated by BHS to grade A/A
  • Battery operation using 4 "AA" type batteries. Batteries and full instructions included
  • Latex-free cuff
  • Standard slim-fit cuff included fits upper arm circumference 22 - 32cm
  • Optional extras include large (32-45cm) or small cuff (18-22cm)

Weight: 750.00g
Model: UA767PLUS30

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Review AND UA 767 Tensimeter Digital 30 Memory Alat Ukur Tekanan Darah

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