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harga Tensimeter Riester Big Ben Stand Kotak tanpa Keranjang

Tensimeter Riester Big Ben Stand Kotak tanpa Keranjang

Berat: 15.0 kg Brand: Riester SKU: KTOKDNTS-NBGB-SNET-RTSR

  • Tensimeter Riester Big Ben Stand Kotak Tanpa Keranjang Model/Type 1741
  • Specially hardened copper-beryllium membrane, which is resistant to aging
  • Spacious basket on the reverse side for tubes and cuffs


Harga Tensimeter Riester Big Ben Stand Kotak tanpa Keranjang :

Rp3.600.000 30% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi Tensimeter Riester Big Ben Stand Kotak tanpa Keranjang

Tensimeter Riester Big Ben Stand Kotak Tanpa Keranjang Model/Type 1741

• Specially hardened copper-beryllium membrane, which is resistant to aging

• Generously dimensioned scale (Ø 147.2 mm or 145,5 mm) and high-contrast scale layout for optimum readability; scale up to 300 mm Hg

• Spacious basket on the reverse side for tubes and cuffs

• Latex bulb to inflate the cuff • Non-wearing air-release valve with fine adjustment

• Micro-filter to protect the release valve and measuring system

• Specially hardened copper-beryllium membrane, which is resistant to aging.

• No zero-point fixation required. • Maximum error tolerance: ± 3 mmHg

• Height adjustable from 90 cm to 140 cm • Diameter 53 cm

• Sturdy mobile base made of fibreglass and chrome plated pole

• Easy to move due to low friction castors

• Spacious basket on the reverse side and include basket attached to pole small: L250 x W90 x H200 mm

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