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harga Sofsilk 4-0 Hitam 45 cm Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle 19 mm (Kulit/Mata)

Sofsilk 4-0 Hitam 45 cm Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle 19 mm (Kulit/Mata)

Berat: 0.2 kg Brand: Covidien SKU: 61000DVC No Registrasi: AKL 21603710361

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Sofsilk silk sutures are nonabsorbable, sterile, non-mutagenic surgical sutures composed of natural proteinaceous silk fibers called fibroin. This protein is derived from the domesticated silkworm species Bombyx mori of the family bombycidae. The silk fibers are treated to remove the naturally-occurring sericin gum and braided to produce Sofsilk surgical silk sutures.

Harga Sofsilk 4-0 Hitam 45 cm Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle 19 mm (Kulit/Mata) :

Rp54.450 10% off

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Total = Rp82.686
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Deskripsi Sofsilk 4-0 Hitam 45 cm Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle 19 mm (Kulit/Mata)

Black Sofsilk Sutures by Covidien

Sofsilk silk sutures are nonabsorbable, sterile, non-mutagenic surgical sutures composed of natural proteinaceous silk fibers called fibroin. This protein is derived from the domesticated silkworm species Bombyx mori of the family bombycidae. The silk fibers are treated to remove the naturally-occurring sericin gum and braided to produce Sofsilk surgical silk sutures.


The braided sutures are available coated uniformly with either silicone or a special wax mixture to reduce capillarity and to increase surface lubricity which enhances handling characteristics, ease of passage through tissue, and knot run-down properties. Sofsilk sutures are available white or colored black with Logwood extract.


Sterile Nonabsorbable Suture. Sofsilk sutures are for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, microsurgery, and neurological surgery. Wax coating: Smooth, mutiple pass rundown, minimizes breakage.


Sofsilk sutures are non-absorbable, sterile, non-mutagenic surgical sutures composed of natural proteinaceous silk fibers called fibroin. The braided sutures are available coated uniformly with either silicone or a special wax mixture to reduce capillarity and to increase surface lubricity, which enhances handling characteristics, ease of passage through tissue, and knot run-down properties.


The manufacturing process, from braiding to coating, gives the suture superior softness and compliance for maximum surgical handling. The proprietary coating process provides smooth flow through tissue while maintaining optimal knot security.


Sofsilk sutures are for use in general soft tissue approximation and/or ligation, including use in cardiovascular, ophthalmic, microsurgery, and neurological surgery.


Diskusi Sofsilk 4-0 Hitam 45 cm Reverse Cutting 3/8 Circle 19 mm (Kulit/Mata)

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