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harga Zimmer Radial Shockwave Therapy Enplus

Zimmer Radial Shockwave Therapy Enplus

Berat: 23.0 kg Brand: Zimmer SKU: 39200UKS No Registrasi: AKL 21403614409

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Ergonomics: tabletop

Harga Zimmer Radial Shockwave Therapy Enplus :

Rp358.061.748 20% off
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Total = Rp358.061.748
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Deskripsi Zimmer Radial Shockwave Therapy Enplus

Sonopulse Compact 3 MHz is a microcontrolled therapeutic ultrasound equipment with frequency of 3 MHz developed to be used in physiotherapy and aesthetics. It presents the ERA (Effective Radiation Area) of 7 cm². The ultrasound maximum output power is of 21 Watts. The ultrasound emission mode can be adjusted for continuous or pulsed, being the pulsed mode with pulse repetition frequency of 100 Hz, 48 Hz or 16 Hz and with pulse ratio of 1/2 (50%) and 1/5 (20%). It also has a key called PROG which allows the choice of pre-programmed treatment programs. Destined to professionals in the areas of rehabilitation medicine, trauma and orthopedics, dermato-functional and aesthetics, Dermotonus Slim allows vacuum techniques such as endermotherapy and endermologie. It is indicated for plastic surgery pre and post-operative; it combats localized fat and cellulite; it improves blood circulation and also helps improve lymphatic drainage, skin burn treatment, muscular tone and tension, among others.

The therapeutic ultrasound is commonly indicated for pain relief, reduction of muscle spasms, increase of local blood flow, increase of movement amplitude of joint contractures using heat associated with stretching techniques.


  • Type: ultrasound diathermy unit
  • Ergonomics: tabletop
  • Number of channels: 1-channel

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