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harga Fetal Doppler Edan Sonotrax Basic A

Fetal Doppler Edan Sonotrax Basic A

Berat: 5.0 kg Brand: Magellan SKU: 15000DDE No Registrasi: AKL 21101613440

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Power: 9.6V Rechargeable Batteries or 9V Dry Cell

Harga Fetal Doppler Edan Sonotrax Basic A :

Rp25.245.000 15% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

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Total = Rp25.245.000
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Deskripsi Fetal Doppler Edan Sonotrax Basic A

Fetal Dopplers Provider Reviews are provided below. If you would like assistance in obtaining a quotation we provide a free "Get Quote" email forwarding service and will direct your enquiry to the relevant provider/supplier requesting that they contact you directly. We provide this as a free service to site visitors in accordance with site terms and conditions. Please note that any commercial transactions that may subsequently take place are strictly between the supplier/provider and the site visitor, the operators of are not a party to any transaction and do not endorse any of the products or services or provide any representations or warranties that they are suitable to the personal circumstances of any individual site visitor.


Fetal Doppler LCD Lotus mendeteksi detak jantung janin / fetus heart rate (FHR), paling cepat pd umur 12 minggu kehamilan. Digunakan di rumah sakit, klinik atau rumah tangga biasa.


  • Displays heart rates (FHR) on a blue screen.
  • Merelay Sound of the fetal heartbeat, equipped with volume control SOUND.
  • With CHARGER.
  • Using A rechargeable battery so it does not need to buy a lead acid battery.


  • Power: 9.6V Rechargeable Batteries or 9V Dry Cell,
  • Ultrasonic Frequency: 2.5 MHz ± 0:25 MHZ,
  • Ultrasonic Intensity: d5MW / C,
  • Work Time: 6 hours,
  • Backlight LCD wide display blue color,
  • FHR display numbers,
  • Fetal heart beat indicator flash,
  • Warning of abnormal FHR,
  • Charging indicator.


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