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harga Fetal Doppler Hi-bebe

Fetal Doppler Hi-bebe

Berat: 0.8 kg Brand: Hi Bebe SKU: RLPD-BBIH No Registrasi: AKL 21102410087

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Fetal Dopplers (often called Baby Heartbeat Monitors or Doppler Fetoscopes) have been used worldwide for over 50 years. To date there are no known health concerns or risks associated with fetal doppler use. Our Hi Bebe doppler is FDA and Health Canada certified and can detect a fetal heart rate as early as 10-12 weeks gestation. You can also pick up other sounds from within the womb such as placental noises, hiccups and fetal kicks (long before you are able to feel them!).

The reasons why expectant parents enjoy using thier fetal doppler will vary from person to person. Benefits for use are plentiful, such as, reducing the fear of misscarriage or reassurance of fetal well being from fears of a previous miscarriage, high risk pregnancy, to monitor twins, for expectant parents and family/friends to bond with baby, to help siblings to share in the pregnancy, simply wanting to monitor your baby's health a well being and many other reasons. 

The Hi Bebe device is a medical grade fetal doppler suitable for Physicians and Midwives in a clinical setting as well as for pregnant women who want to monitor their baby's heartbeat. All of our fetal dopplers come complete with everything you need so that you can begin monitoring as soon you open the box!

Harga Fetal Doppler Hi-bebe :

Rp750.000 16% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Fetal Doppler Hi-bebe
Total = Rp750.000
( 1 of 1 items selected )

Deskripsi Fetal Doppler Hi-bebe

Fetal Doppler merupakan alat diagnostik untuk mendengar detak jantung bayi dengan menggunakan rebound atau pantulan dari gelombang elektromagnetik yang diarahkan ke perut ibu.

Hi Bebe Comes Complete With:

  • Carrying case
  • 2mhz probe (optional waterproof probe)
  • 2 AA Batteries
  • 60 ml tube of ultrasound gel
  • Easy to follow instruction pamphlet.

Features Include:

  • Long battery life (up to 6 hours of continual use)
  • LCD heart rate display 
  • Detects heart rate as early as 10-12 weeks
  • FDA approved
  • 7 Day Return Policy
  • 1 Year Warranty
  • Automatic Shut Off
  • PC Interface Sound Card (for enhanced sound quality)
  • Built in Loud Speaker
  • Earphone output
  • Automatic shut off after 5 min
  • International Safety Standards ISO, CE certified, Health Canada Certified and FDA approved


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