PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Neomed Neo Back Strong JC-B-8100

Neomed Neo Back Strong JC-B-8100

Berat: 0.8 kg Brand: Neomed SKU: GRTSKCAB-OEN No Registrasi: AKL 11403515229

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

- Use after waist operation
- Built-in changeable back plastic support and 2 waist support

Harga Neomed Neo Back Strong JC-B-8100 :

Rp488.000 20% off

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Total = Rp735.500
( 2 of 2 items selected )

Deskripsi Neomed Neo Back Strong JC-B-8100

- Use after waist operation
- Built-in changeable back plastic support and 2 waist support
- Comfortable and adjustable double belt.

  • Ergonomic & Anatomical design
    - It is designed ergonomically and anatomically, in order not to be discomfort on the back of waist after wearing. It shall hold your waist safely and freely.
    It shall prevent from 2nd damage as providing regular supporting power on the waist.
  • Strong double belt to support waist
    - NEO Power Belt shall provide strong supporting and fixation power.
    Especially supporting power of patent double belt shall stronger as pulling with prying force. Its plastic support shall grip the waist and hip and provides comfort.
  • Comfortable and airy NEO MESH
    - Airy mesh shall always provide comfort.
    Also it is thin, light and strong, and provides comfortable wearing sensation and strong supporting power without displeasure or sense of different for long time wearing as holding a waist.
      - NEO Mesh is airy and always provides comfort.
      Also it is thin, light and strong, and hasn't displeasure or sense of difference for long time wearing.
    • Surgical Spandex
      - Elastic and tensible surgical spandex is good to hold and support the body and provides continuous comfort.

Diskusi Neomed Neo Back Strong JC-B-8100

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