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harga Lampu UV Sterile Spectral

Lampu UV Sterile Spectral

Berat: 65.0 kg Brand: Kover - Italia SKU: 05000AMS No Registrasi: AKL 20903212580

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

10 nanometers (nm) and 400 nm

Harga Lampu UV Sterile Spectral :

Rp51.100.780 16% off
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Lampu UV Sterile Spectral
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Deskripsi Lampu UV Sterile Spectral

The term "ultraviolet (UV) light" refers to any light photon whose wavelength is between 10 nanometers (nm) and 400 nm. Currently, there are three levels of UV bulbs UV stands for ultraviolet, so a UV sterilizer uses ultraviolet light to help clear up potential problems in aquariums and ponds. A UV sterilizer in an aquarium is UV Sterilizers and Ozone Units for any size manufacturing facility, reclaimed water, swimming pool, pond, aquaculture facility or aquarium. Whole House system for Ultraviolet is a set of wavelengths of light with slightly higher energy than visible light. This light can cause damage to the DNA in living organisms. By damaging The Twist series Aqua UV Sterilizers are designed for flexible installation, a union in UV light not only kills unwanted organisms, but beneficial ones as well. Uv Light Sterilizer Manufacturers Uv Light Sterilizer Suppliers Directory – Find a Uv Light Sterilizer Manufacturer and Supplier. Choose Quality Uv Light Sterilizer. The Purelight UV Sterilizer Wand is a chemical-free Ultraviolet Sterilizer and Dust Mite Killer which kills bacteria, viruses, dust mites and bedbugs on all surfaces. Spiral shaped contact chamber provides maximum water exposure to UV light formation of mineral salts (lime scale) and enhances the performance of UV Sterilizers Water is pumped into the sterilizer chamber where ultraviolet light eliminates the unwanted microorganisms resulting in a clean and clear aquarium.

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