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harga Meja Operasi Set KPP-03 untuk Operasi Ortopedi dan Traumatologi

Meja Operasi Set KPP-03 untuk Operasi Ortopedi dan Traumatologi

Berat: 123.0 kg Brand: Medlin SKU: 21000AMS No Registrasi: AKL 11303705802

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Leg rest

Harga Meja Operasi Set KPP-03 untuk Operasi Ortopedi dan Traumatologi :

Rp37.606.800 16% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Total = Rp37.606.800
( 1 of 1 items selected )

Deskripsi Meja Operasi Set KPP-03 untuk Operasi Ortopedi dan Traumatologi

Our range of hydraulic operating table or operation theater tables are designed to provide accurate positioning with an easy mechanical operation. These tables are ideal for use in all the major surgical process that requires precision. The table is adjusted with the help of heavy duty leak-proof hydraulic pump concealed in stainless steel covered chamber. We offer hydraulic operating cylinders in different models based on the requirements of the clients.

Features :
Five section table top gives ease for various surgical positions
Base & coloumn cover are covered with 304G stainless steel to ensure high durability & hygiene for the operation room
Leg section & Head section interchangeable
Radio-translucent top provides easy convenience for xray procedures
Interchangeable Head and Leg section

Mechanical Movement :
Lateral tilt
Trendlenburg /Reverse Trendlenburg
Leg rest
Head rest
Kidney bridge
Floor lock

Standard Accessories :
A)Five section mattress :- 1 set
B)Anesthetist Screen :- 1 PCS
C)Padded Lateral Support :- 2 PCS
D)Padded Lateral Support :- 2 PCS
E)Padded Lithotomy crutches :- 2 PCS
F)Padded Arm rest :- 2 PCS
G)Drive handle :- 1 PCS

Technical Specification :
A)Overall Length of the table :- 1950mm
B)Overall width of the table :- 530mm
C)Minimum height of the table :- 780mm
D)Maximum height of the table :- 1030mm
E)TB/RTB :- 40 degree
F)Flex/Reflex :- 80/220 degree
G)Side Tilt :- 22 degree
H)Kidney section :- 125 mm manually
I)Leg Plate :- 90 degree Down
J)Hi-Low Lift :- hydraulic
K)Head Section :- 90 degree Down / 70 degree up

Optional Accessories
Orthopedic Attachment
Neuro Attachment (Mayfield, Sugita, Horse shoe)
Spine Frame attachment
Hand surgery attachment

Diskusi Meja Operasi Set KPP-03 untuk Operasi Ortopedi dan Traumatologi

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