PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Dima Multiline 6 Drug, Card

Dima Multiline 6 Drug, Card

Berat: 1.0 kg Brand: DIMA SKU: 40000AID No Registrasi: AKL 20103717056

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Kit tes narkoba merk DIMA® merupakan tes kualitatif metode immunokromatografi untuk mendeteksi berbagai jenis narkoba atau obat - obatan tertentu dan metabolitnya dalam urin.

Harga Dima Multiline 6 Drug, Card :

Rp4.593.600 20% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Dima Multiline 6 Drug, Card
Total = Rp4.721.542
( 2 of 2 items selected )

Deskripsi Dima Multiline 6 Drug, Card

The drugs of abuse and psychotropics listed in the adjacent overview can be detected with this test, although only a selection of these analytes is included in the corresponding test.


  • For single use only!
  • Do not touch reaction area/s to avoid contamination!
  • Please observe the necessary specimen volume!
  • In order to avoid cross-contaminations a new container should be used for each sample!
  • Do not add any specimen to the reaction area (result window)!
  • For urine specimens only - do not use any other liquids!
  • Urine specimens may be infectious.
  • Take appropriate precautions for handling and proper disposal.
  • Do not use DIMA® Drug of Abuse Tests beyond their expiration date!
  • Do not use test if foil pouch is damaged. Test is sensitive to humidity. Use test immediately after unwrapping!
  • Please observe the indicated specifications.
  • Store and transport test only at 2-30 °C!

Test procedure

Allow test (in sealed pouch or canister), patient specimen and controls to reach room temperature (15-30°C). Open pouch containing the test device only immediately before performing the test.

  1. Remove the test from the its pouch and mark test device with patient or control identification. For best results, the assay should be performed within 1 hour after opening the pouch.
  2.  Fill the disposable dropper with urine specimen to the mark. Dispense 3 drops (approx. 150 µl) into each sample well. Make sure to dispense the same amount of specimen to each sample well. If urine directly soaks the reaction window or the white membrane in the device‘s center, the test becomes invalid!
  3. Interpret results after 5 minutes

Interpretation of results

For the interpretation of test results the reaction area is contemplated. In the reactive area either 1 or 2 red lines will appear.

Interpretation single tests

Negative Result

2 lines appear in the reactive area. One line in the test line area (T) for the respective analyte and a second line in the control line area (C) which confirms a correct test procedure.

Positive Result

Only 1 red line appears in the control line area (C). The absence of a red line in the test line area indicates a positive result for the corresponding analyte. Keep the specimen for possible confirmation of results if necessary.


A very faint line in the test line area indicates that the corresponding analyte concentration is close to the cut-off concentration. In this case the test should be repeated or additionally examine the specimen with a more specific method (e.g. GC/MS).

Invalid Result

If no red line or only the test line (T) appears in the reaction area the test or the corresponding analyte are invalid and should be retested

Under no circumstances a result should be identified as positive unless the control line forms. Observe the exact specimen volume and reaction time required for the test. If the problem persists, discontinue using the test kit immediately and contact your local distributor.


Medicalogy jual Dima Multiline 6 Drug, Card type dengan harga murah dan kualitas terjamin. Hubungi kami di [email protected] atau WA di 0812 9820 0042 untuk detail dan promonya.

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