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harga Mono Rapid Test Syphilis 25 Card/Box

Mono Rapid Test Syphilis 25 Card/Box

Berat: 1.0 kg Brand: Mono SKU: 70100MCS No Registrasi: AKL 20303510710

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Harga Mono Rapid Test Syphilis 25 Card/Box :

Rp220.000 47% off

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Total = Rp1.721.375
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Deskripsi Mono Rapid Test Syphilis 25 Card/Box

Mono Rapid test can be used to screen for syphilis. It is used to screen people who have symptoms of sexually transmitted infections and is routinely used to screen pregnant women for the disease.

Several states also require that couples be screened for syphilis before getting a marriage license.

The test is also used to see how treatment for syphilis is working. After treatment with antibiotics, the levels of syphilis antibodies should fall. These levels can be monitored with another RPR test. Unchanged or rising levels can mean a persistent infection.

The test is similar to the venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test.

Selain itu alat penunjang pada saat pemeriksaan secar mendadak hanya menambahkan wadah urine yaitu POT URINE,dimana pot urine ini digunakan sebagai wadah urine si pengguna yang akan diperiksa urine nya,untuk cara penggunaanya sangat mudah dengan cara mengambil urine menggunakan Pippete dimana urine sudah tersedia pada wadah pot urine lalu diteteskan pada Mono Rapid Test Syphilis 25 Card/Box tersebut dengan menunggu hasil positif atau negatif hanya dalam hitungan detik.

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