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harga Bedfont New Micro Smokerlyzer

Bedfont New Micro Smokerlyzer

Berat: 0.9 kg Brand: Bedfont SKU: 43200TRV No Registrasi: AKL 20401110728

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

The Micro+™ Smokerlyzer® CO monitor is the new and improved version of the revolutionary Micro™ Smokerlyzer®. The Micro™ Smokerlyzer® is a longstanding benchmark device used in clinical trials and research and is the one CO monitor for all your testing needs.

Harga Bedfont New Micro Smokerlyzer :

Rp31.363.200 10% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Bedfont New Micro Smokerlyzer
Total = Rp34.333.789
( 3 of 3 items selected )

Deskripsi Bedfont New Micro Smokerlyzer

What is it?

The Micro+™ Smokerlyzer® CO monitor is the new and improved version of the revolutionary Micro™ Smokerlyzer®. The Micro™ Smokerlyzer® is a longstanding benchmark device used in clinical trials and research and is the one CO monitor for all your testing needs.

Why Micro+?

The Micro+ provides one CO monitor for your every need, including use in clinical research and for use in smoking cessation services.

Benefits to the user

- The monitor provides instant results shown in exact ppm, %COHb and %FCOHb, which makes recording and interpreting patient’s results quick and easy.
- Analyses carboxyhaemoglobin and carbon monoxide.
- The colour touch screen is quick and easy use, with visual prompts for patients during each test to ensure correct results every time.
- There is automatic calibration and D-piece renewal reminders to prolong the life of your monitor, ensure accurate readings and increase infection control.
- The monitor has built in SteriTouch technology to ensure optimum infection control.
- There is the familiar green, amber and red traffic light system, making CO levels instantly identifiable to patients.
- The monitor provides adult and adolescent profiles to ensure maximum motivation to stop smoking. Testing modes for adults, adolescents and pregnant women.
- D-pieces are used in conjunction with the monitor to filter out 99.9% of airborne bacteria and single-use Steribreath™ mouthpieces for excellent, low cost infection control.
- Five-year warranty for absolute peace of mind.
- The Micro+ has storage for up to 100 readings and personal profiles.
- The monitor is PC interactive with COdata+ software, free with Micro+ Smokerlyzer®.   


Diskusi Bedfont New Micro Smokerlyzer

WWahyu awal fajar  

Saya punya alat Pico smokerlyzer ka fulset mau saya jual cepat


Ddewi nofita  

Kak kalau yang smokerlyzer detector itu, detektor nya pakai apa ya kak?

Favicon Medicalogy  
Dear alat ini dilengkapi sensor khusus untuk deteksi asap rokok... sistemnya dengan meniupkan udara ke alat lalu alat akan menampilkan hasilnya pada layar alat.

Tidak menemukan jawaban yang Anda cari? Tanya disini!
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