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harga Walker Resiprocal SM 8052 Warna Kuning

Walker Resiprocal SM 8052 Warna Kuning

Berat: 16.0 kg Brand: Shima SKU: 12000MHS No Registrasi: AKD 11402710703

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Altered stability

Harga Walker Resiprocal SM 8052 Warna Kuning :

Rp397.375 15% off

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Total = Rp2.680.495
( 2 of 2 items selected )

Deskripsi Walker Resiprocal SM 8052 Warna Kuning

Ambulation aids (including walkers, crutches, and canes) are assistive devices that are used to help a person walk by providing extra support and stability.(1) This ATwiki article is designed as an introduction to ambulation aids, walkers specifically, but by no means represents an exhaustive description of current devices or clinical recommendations.

It has been estimated that more than 1.5 million people in the U.S. use walkers. However, researchers have estimated that 30% to 50% of patients abandon their ambulation aid soon after it is delivered to them.(6) This statistic reveals the criticality of an appropriate device selection, proper fit, and patient education and training. 
There are number of reasons for which a person may use an ambulation aid.(1,2,3) These may include the following:

If he or she needs help compensating for:

  • Impaired balance
  • Weakened strength
  • Difficulty coordinating movement
  • Pain when bearing weight on the lower extremity (e.g. feet, knee, hip)
  • Lower extremity amputation or congenital absence

Altered stability

  • To improve functional mobility
  • To enhance body functions
  • To assist with fracture healing
  • To assist with propulsion
  • To transmit sensory cues to the hands
  • For the psychological benefits of standing
  • To enable a wheelchair user to move through areas that are inaccessible to a wheelchair
  • To reduce the risk of falling
  • To protect a healing amputation site.

It is important to select the proper type of ambulation aid in order to provide the best security, safety, and function while minimizing energy expenditure.


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