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harga Alat Analisa Urine Answer U 120

Alat Analisa Urine Answer U 120

Berat: 7.0 kg Brand: Answer SKU: 37000MCS No Registrasi: AKL 20102810114

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The URS-UTI  urinary tract infection test

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Alat Analisa Urine Answer U 120
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Deskripsi Alat Analisa Urine Answer U 120

These urinalysis test strips, URS-K (Ketones) URS-3 (Glucose, Protein, pH) and URS-10 (Glucose, Protein pH, Leukocytes, Nitrites, Ketones, Bilirubin, Blood, Urobilinogen, and Specific Gravity)  and URS-UTI (leukocytes and Nitrite) are simple, easy to use reagent strips for the detection of key diagnostic chemical markers in human urine. They are the same urinalysis test strips used routinely by doctors, laboratories and healthcare professionals in preliminary diagnosis of, and initial screening for potential health problems. URS-Strips are plastic strips to which chemically specific reagent pads are affixed. The reagent pads react with the sample urine to provide a standardized visible color reaction within 30 seconds to one minute depending on the specific panel screen. The color is then visually compared to the included color chart to determine the level of each chemical factor. Test results may provide useful information regarding carbohydrate (sugar) metabolism (diabetes), kidney function, acid-base balance, bacteriuria, occult blood, high leukocytes (infection) and other conditions of overall health. These urinalysis testing strips are ready to use upon removal from the vial and the entire reagent strip is disposable. URS-K, 3 & 10 reagent test strips are packed 100 tests to a vial with approximately one (1) year shelf life. Each vial comes with a complete abstract on the chemical and biological properties of the test including a color chart for rapid visual diagnosis. The URS-UTI  urinary tract infection test includes one test strip per package with instructions printed on each package.

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