PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Neomed Neo Neck Smart

Neomed Neo Neck Smart

Berat: 0.5 kg Brand: Neomed SKU: TRMS-KCEN-DMN No Registrasi: AKL 11402515235

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

- Light and comfortable touch
- Soft P.E form provides strong support 

Harga Neomed Neo Neck Smart :

Rp165.000 10% off

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Neomed Neo Neck Smart
Total = Rp653.000
( 2 of 2 items selected )

Deskripsi Neomed Neo Neck Smart

 There are many small holes in outer fabric to circulate the air.
- Outer fabric is wearable without sense of difference and discomfort.
- Middle fabric is airy, cushioned and unchangeable because pillar is planted closely in the middle fabric like dense grass. So it makes user feel fresh.

- It is made of airy air mesh and provides comfort as circulating the air through whole waist.
Also it is thin, light and strong, and provides comfortable wearing sensation and strong supporting power without displeasure or sense of difference for long time wearing.

 Air Hi-Prene unlike existing fabric is thin and unchangeable, 
and stretched to 4-ways (up & down, right & left) Also it is elastic, 
durable and wearable.

- High-density sponge
- Soft support and protection
- Ergonomics design
- Design for comfortable use and activity

- Soft and strong high-density sponge supports neck
- Ergonomics design covering chest and neck line
- Without limitation of physical activity

- Light and comfortable touch
- Soft P.E form provides strong support 
- Ergonomics design covering chest and neck line
- Good Airing

- 2 strong plastic supports
- Design to cover around the chest line and neckline
- Soft Cushion protecting chest and neck
- 4 hole for airing


Diskusi Neomed Neo Neck Smart

Ccos jr  

cara ngukur yg sesuai dgn leher gmana

alat ini memiliki panjang 8cm bisa diatur sesuai kenyamanan saja. Terima kasih

Tidak menemukan jawaban yang Anda cari? Tanya disini!
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