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harga Ventilator Chirana Aura

Ventilator Chirana Aura

Berat: 99.0 kg Brand: Chirana SKU: 32000AMS No Registrasi: AKL 20403713556

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Support PS/ CPAP

Harga Ventilator Chirana Aura :

Rp690.643.800 16% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

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Ventilator Chirana Aura
Total = Rp690.643.800
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Deskripsi Ventilator Chirana Aura

The New Servo Ventilator AURA Advance is designed for long-term ventilation of children from 2.5 Kg weight as well as adult patients. Whith its ventilation parameters, from controlled through supported to spontaneous ventilation where the requirement of minimal minute ventilation from 0.1 L. min-1 is needed. The way of monitoring mechanical characteristics of Lungs and multi level ventilation is absokutely unique in the world.

The apparatus is absolutely adaptable to the patient and with so-called intelligent expiree the apparatus can react to extreme situations in a artificial lungs ventilation such as patients cough. Its open architecture enables us to introduce moedl AURA prifilungs, Which with its ventialtion range and monitored parameters push AURA into the world high-end class. With a automatic optimilization or 3-Level ventilation AURA is setting trends in the development of ventilation technology.

The Apparatus can support artificial lung ventilation mode (ALV)

  • Pressure Control Assisted PC
  • Volume Control Assisted CMV
  • Support PS/ CPAP,


  • 2- Level
  • 2 Level + PS


  • Spontaneous CPAP, CFS
  • Apnoe ventilation Automatically build in every mode
  • Extende Function of APMV

Each ventilation mode MLV , SIGH Leakage ,PS Pressure Support APRV (BIPAP) Airway pressure release ventilation ( biphase intermittent - positive airway pressure ) 2 - Level Two Level Ventilation 2-Level + PS Two level ventilation with pressure support

  • MLV Multi level ventilation
  • CPAP Continous possitive airway pressure
  • APMV Automatic proportional minute Ventilation
  • SIGH Deep Breath

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